
Success Stories

See how we’ve helped others just like you!

How One Patient Was Able to Find His HOPE and STABILITY

Meet John (name changed for privacy), a patient who came to us at Light Side Wellness Co. battling long-standing depression and anxiety. Like many others, John’s journey with mental health started in childhood, leading him through a maze of therapists, psychiatrists, and various medications. Despite their efforts, and numerous trials of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, his struggle persisted, barely touched by the treatments.

When John walked into our clinic, he was almost out of hope, skeptical that we could offer anything different. But at Light Side Wellness Co., we believe in looking deeper. Our detailed evaluation and conversation about John’s history revealed something that had been overlooked: signs pointing towards underlying ADHD, a possibility previously dismissed by other professionals.

After confirming that John did indeed have ADHD, we introduced a treatment plan focusing on this new diagnosis, incorporating ADHD-specific medication and tailored therapy. The change in John was remarkable. For the first time, he felt a sense of stability and control. His depression, while still present, became manageable and eventually went into remission.

John’s story isn’t unique at our clinic. It’s a testament to our commitment to personalized care and looking beyond the surface. It’s these stories that fuel our passion at Light Side Wellness Co., where we continue to help patients like John rediscover hope and improve their quality of life.

“I saw Steven for my first evaluation. He really took the time to actually listen and asked me questions and really dove into my past and connected things no other provider I have seen has done.”

Justin F.


“I had a great experience with Steven. He was able to listen to my answers and reiterate my statements in a way that he understood my experiences.”

Cynthia J.


“I was completely satisfied. I gained some new information, and Steven was helpful in answering questions I had.”

Maria R.


“Our appointment was very complete and I thought that Steven did a great job.”

Nick W.


As my experience thus far has, at this point, exceeded my expectations.

Jody P.


I was very happy with my clinician. I felt he listened to me and my concerns.

Asia K.


If You're Ready to Write Your Own SUCCESS Story, Click Below and Join the LIGHT SIDE.

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Supercharge Your Productivity and Focus with Our ADHD Success Kit

Looking for a game-changer in managing ADHD? Simply enter your email and get instant access to our password protected ADHD Success Kit site, proven to boost productivity and focus! This specially curated, and science backed collection is packed with top-notch resources – from beneficial supplements and helpful apps to enlightening books and informative podcasts. It’s all designed to empower you on your journey with ADHD, helping you achieve more focus, balance, and success in your daily life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your ADHD management strategy!

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Your Trusted Psychiatric Mental Health Partner. Offering compassionate, individualized care and expert guidance on your path to emotional well-being. Specializing in ADHD, explore personalized treatments and prioritized mental wellness for a brighter, healthier life.


7412 Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
Ste 104 Portland, OR 97225



Supercharge Your Productivity and Focus with Our ADHD Success Kit

Looking for a game-changer in managing ADHD? Simply enter your email and get instant access to our password protected ADHD Success Kit site, proven to boost productivity and focus! This specially curated, and science backed collection is packed with top-notch resources – from beneficial supplements and helpful apps to enlightening books and informative podcasts. It’s all designed to empower you on your journey with ADHD, helping you achieve more focus, balance, and success in your daily life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your ADHD management strategy!