

Transform Worry into WELLNESS

Living with anxiety can feel like carrying an invisible weight, affecting every aspect of your life. At Light Side Wellness Co., we truly understand this struggle. Anxiety isn’t just worry – it’s a complex experience that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and unsure where to turn. Whether you’re grappling with persistent unease, social fears, or panic attacks, know that you’re not alone. As individuals who’ve witnessed the impact of anxiety, we’re here to listen without judgment and offer support. Our approach is rooted in empathy, combining proven techniques with personalized care to help you find your way back to calm. Together, we’ll explore strategies to manage your anxiety in your daily life. It’s okay to feel anxious, and it’s okay to seek help. Your journey towards peace and understanding starts with a single step, and we’re here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

About Anxiety

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural human response to uncertainty or potential danger. It’s our mind and body’s way of staying alert and prepared. However, when anxiety becomes persistent and overwhelming, interfering with daily life, it may develop into an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders go beyond occasional worry. They can manifest as:

• Constant feelings of unease or dread

• Racing thoughts and difficulty concentrating

• Physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, or chest tightness

• Avoidance of certain situations or places

These feelings can persist even when there’s no immediate threat, creating a sense of being constantly on edge. Anxiety disorders come in various forms, each with unique characteristics, but all can significantly impact one’s quality of life.



“ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh,” is an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear and avoidance of places or situations that might trigger panic, feelings of being trapped, helplessness, or embarrassment.


Anxiety or panic symptoms directly stemming from a physical health condition are classified as anxiety due to a medical condition.


Generalized anxiety disorder manifests as constant, exaggerated concern over everyday matters, typically out of proportion to the real probability or consequences of the anticipated situations.


Social anxiety disorder is characterized by intense apprehension, fear, and evasion of social interactions, stemming from heightened self-awareness, embarrassment, and the fear of negative evaluation or judgment by others.


Specific phobias are defined by severe anxiety and avoidance behavior triggered by exposure to particular objects or situations, which can sometimes escalate into panic attacks for certain individuals.


Panic disorder is characterized by repeated occurrences of intense, rapidly escalating anxiety or fear, often peaking in full-blown panic attacks within a matter of minutes.


Selective mutism is a condition characterized by a child’s consistent inability to speak in certain social settings (such as school) despite normal speech in familiar environments (like home), potentially impacting their academic performance, work capabilities, and social relationships.


Separation anxiety disorder is a childhood condition marked by developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or distress when separated from parents or primary caregivers.


Substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder manifests as severe anxiety or panic symptoms directly caused by substance misuse, medication side effects, toxic exposure, or drug withdrawal.

What are the SYMPTOMS?

Physical Symptoms

  • Stomach Discomfort: Feelings of unease or 'butterflies' in your abdomen
  • Balance Issues: Sensations of unsteadiness or feeling off-balance
  • Nerve Sensations: Prickling or 'pins and needles' feelings, particularly in hands and feet
  • Fidgeting: A constant urge to move or inability to relax physically
  • Body Tension: Unexplained muscle soreness, tension headaches, or back discomfort
  • Rapid Breathing: Noticeably quicker or shallower breath than usual
  • Heart Irregularities: Palpitations or a feeling of your heart racing or skipping beats
  • Temperature Changes: Sudden warmth or excessive perspiration without physical exertion
  • Insomnia: Trouble falling asleep or waking frequently during the night
  • Jaw Tension: Clenching or grinding teeth, often noticed upon waking
  • Nausea: Feelings of queasiness or an unsettled stomach
  • Altered Bodily Functions: Changes in frequency or urgency of urination or bowel movements
  • Libido Fluctuations: Noticeable changes in sexual interest or arousal
  • Acute Anxiety Episodes: Sudden, intense periods of fear accompanied by physical symptoms

Mental Symptoms

  • Tension and Nervousness: A constant feeling of tension, nervousness, or an inability to relax.
  • Dread and Worry: A sense of dread and fearing the worst.
  • Time Perception Changes: Feeling like time is either speeding up or slowing down.
  • Perceived Attention: Believing that others can see your anxiety and are scrutinizing you.
  • Worrying About Worry: Feeling like you can't stop worrying or fearing negative consequences if you do.
  • Anxiety About Anxiety: Worrying about the occurrence of panic attacks or other anxiety-related events.
  • Seeking Reassurance: Frequently seeking reassurance from others or worrying about people being angry or upset with you.
  • Reality Concerns: Worrying that you're losing touch with reality.
  • Low Mood and Depression: Anxiety can often coincide with low mood and depression.
  • Rumination: Engaging in repetitive thinking about negative experiences or situations.
  • Depersonalization: A feeling of disconnection from your own mind or body, as if you're watching yourself in a movie.
  • Derealization: Feeling disconnected from the world around you or perceiving it as unreal.
  • Future Worries: Excessive worrying about future events and uncertainties.

Take the First Step

Our Approach to anxiety Treatment

At Light Side Wellness Co., we specialize in personalized treatment plans for anxiety disorders. Our comprehensive approach combines evidence-based therapies, medication management when necessary, and supportive strategies to help you find peace and balance. We work closely with each individual to develop effective coping mechanisms, build resilience, and enhance overall quality of life.

If you’re struggling with overwhelming worry, persistent fears, or panic attacks, don’t let anxiety control your life. Our compassionate team is here to provide support and guidance in a safe, non-judgmental space. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation and take the first step towards managing your anxiety effectively.

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Ste 104 Portland, OR 97225



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