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What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy What is it? Cognitive Behavioral therapy is just one of several different types of therapy that are available and provided to help empower and improve individuals lives and resilience. According to Leichsenring, Hiller, Weissberg, & Leibing, 2006, “cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy are the most frequently applied methods of psychotherapy in clinical […]

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Harms of Untreated ADHD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent disorder with approximately 6.1 million children having been diagnosed according to a 2016 CDC survey. This figure does not consider adults and those who are undiagnosed. Many parents are hesitant to seek medication management for their children as most ADHD treatments include stimulant medication. Parents have valid […]

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You’re Not Alone

Statistics show 1 in 4 people will struggle with a mental illness. Although mental illness has a stigma that needs a major paradigm shift, the importance of seeking help has never been greater. Many people feel alone in their suffering, as if nobody understands, or cares about the experiences and struggles they fight on a […]

Supercharge Your Productivity and Focus with Our ADHD Success Kit

Looking for a game-changer in managing ADHD? Simply enter your email and get instant access to our password protected ADHD Success Kit site, proven to boost productivity and focus! This specially curated, and science backed collection is packed with top-notch resources – from beneficial supplements and helpful apps to enlightening books and informative podcasts. It’s all designed to empower you on your journey with ADHD, helping you achieve more focus, balance, and success in your daily life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your ADHD management strategy!